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Författare: Po Tidholm, Agneta Lilja
Förlag: Svenska institutet
Mediatyp: Bok
Bandtyp: Danskt band
Utgiven: 2014-06-24
Språk: Spanska
Antal sidor: 48
Upplaga: 1
Vikt: 198g
ISBN: 86995-39-3

Det ska vi fira spanska Eso hay que celebrarlo fiesta a la Sueca

Po Tidholm, Agneta Lilja (Danskt band)

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Curious about the mythical Midsummer, when Swedes wear flower wreaths on their heads and dance around a suspiciously phallic pole? Or how about 13 December, when Swedes wake up to saffron buns, choral singing and a procession led by Lucia with candles in her hair? In Celebrating the Swedish way we learn how seasons, pagan times, Christianity, immigration and indeed the insatiable curiosity of Swedes themselves have all played a part in shaping the ever-evolving Swedish traditions. You might both recognise traces of your own traditions and be baffled by the extraordinary nature of others.